If you don't know Stephanie by now perhaps it is time you should! Check out her blog
The Enchanting Rose and take a leisurely tour. She also has the most delightful Etsy Shop. I should know, I am one of her customers.
Stephanie is the hostess of The Tea Cup Exchange held twice a year. This is my very first year and I am already looking forward to the next party! There were 192 participants this year from all over the world. My partner was a very sweet lady in California. Her name is Nora and you can find her at Tales of the Teacup. This is the gift I sent her.

A homemade card is always fun to make and receive.
Lynn in Indiana had my name and boy is she some kind of artist!! I can't believe she wrapped all of the gifts!!!
I could not get all of Lynn's gifts in one picture!! A lovely tea cup with matching tea pot. Also a water color journal which I can try my best to fill!
Next tea and a delightful letter from Lynn. She sent me a set of Our Gang coasters - what fun. On my last post for Art Journal Journey my theme was Our Gang.
Now for Lynn's art work and it indeed is a work of art. Hand painted and designed by Lynn on fabric with a lace trim. A tapestry extraordinaire! It took my breath away!!! You can find Lynne at Quaker Home Cottage.
I know this is a long post but believe me it is well worth the journey. The fun for me - searching for goodies that will go perfectly in my next gift box. And then the mad search to find something special just for that person!!
The Enchanting Rose and take a leisurely tour. She also has the most delightful Etsy Shop. I should know, I am one of her customers.
Stephanie is the hostess of The Tea Cup Exchange held twice a year. This is my very first year and I am already looking forward to the next party! There were 192 participants this year from all over the world. My partner was a very sweet lady in California. Her name is Nora and you can find her at Tales of the Teacup. This is the gift I sent her.

Lynn in Indiana had my name and boy is she some kind of artist!! I can't believe she wrapped all of the gifts!!!
I could not get all of Lynn's gifts in one picture!! A lovely tea cup with matching tea pot. Also a water color journal which I can try my best to fill!
Next tea and a delightful letter from Lynn. She sent me a set of Our Gang coasters - what fun. On my last post for Art Journal Journey my theme was Our Gang.
Now for Lynn's art work and it indeed is a work of art. Hand painted and designed by Lynn on fabric with a lace trim. A tapestry extraordinaire! It took my breath away!!! You can find Lynne at Quaker Home Cottage.
I know this is a long post but believe me it is well worth the journey. The fun for me - searching for goodies that will go perfectly in my next gift box. And then the mad search to find something special just for that person!!

Good morning, sweet Sandy! Oh my, oh my, oh my! What two delightful packages! I just came from Nora's blog and was thrilled to see how you blessed her. What a beautiful, kind, and giving heart you have.
And then to see what Lynn gave you - wow! I told her the items she sent you took my breath away and then I read your words and you said the very same thing {{smiles}} Everything is so pretty in color and very feminine. Lynn is a sweetheart...just like you :)
I'm so glad you joined the fun. Hugs and love to you!
Oh my Sandy! What beautiful tags you made for Nora! You have truly a gift! She was my exchange partner last year and such a sweetheart! Have a wonderful week my friend!
The teapot and teacup set is so beautiful! What soft and lovely colors. <3
What a pretty package you received! The wrapping alone was beautiful! You must have been so pleased! :)
Hello Sandy, so nice to meet you through my dear Stephanie's exchange.
What a beautiful tea cup and tea pot that Lynn has gifted you with.
She is such a sweet lady. :)
I love the gift that you sent out to Nora, what a blessing~~
Have a beautiful day~~
Beautiful swaps Sandy, such a wonderful Exchange - it sounds like fun.
How sweet of Lynn to send you a matching teapot and teacup, enjoy sipping tea while journalling.
What wonderful gifts you received from Lynn, Sandy, and what beautiful gifts you sent to Nora. What a blessing this exchange is that our sweet friend, Stephanie, organizes for us. It makes the world a kinder, gentler place, doesn't it?
Wow this is like Christmas. I keep getting so many ideas for the next exchange. It just gets better each time.
A teacup and teapot ... lucky you! Don't you love the hand-made items. So special to share talent. Have a wonderful tea filled week!
Beautiful gift to receive Sandy, love you gorgeous gift you sent in exchange.
Pam x
Wow what an exchange! Your gifts are beautiful, love the tag sets and the ones you received also beautiful. I hope you are doing well xx
It looks like Nora is in for a real treat, your parcels are always such a joy to receive, and I should know! Your gift from Lynn is very impressive indeed, I hope you enjoy your English Breakfast tea! Exchanges like this really do warm the heart. Hugs, Anne xx
You put together such a special gift from Nora, just love the teacup that you chose for her. And then, what an incredible gift you received from Lynn, her artwork is incredible, and how awesome that you both love to do art work! Isn't this exchange just the most delightful! I am enjoying each and every ladies joy in giving and receiving, joy extraordinaire today :)
I always love seeing what everyone gets and gives... So much fun!!
WOW! I absolutely adore your teapot and teacup you received in your awesome package of treasures from the swap.
The things you sent were awesome, too.
What a joy and blessing the exchange is, Stephanie is an angel! ♥
Sandy, this looks like such good fun! What a great gift you sent Nora, and your pocket card filled with tags is gorgeous! That box is pretty cool, too, and I'm drooling over that--I have somewhat of a box fetish! Your gift from Lynn is wonderful; I be it was so fun unwrapping all those goodies, especially that beautiful tapestry! Big hugs!
oh wow hun what,amazing gifts,you have such a kind,and generous,heart and the wee tea cup,and tea pot you received is so beautiful,its always wonderful to open gifts,from,like minded people,and that beautiful tapestry,is so beautiful a really lovely and beautiful post,hun,have a lovely rest of the week hun love,hugs Cherylxxxxxx
What a lovely idea and thanks for all the terrific pictures of the swaps.
Hugs, Sarn xxx
What a great package! (and a great exchange idea). Everything you sent looks fantastic and I'm sure Nora loves it all!! Keep postin' I miss reading your fun posts.
Beautiful gifts Sandy and such a lovely idea...love the little tea cup
I was just visiting Nora's blog and saw all the beautiful things you sent along to her. You received so many beautiful things from Lynn as well. What a sweetheart to send both a teacup and a teapot! Wow! Enjoy your teas :)
And....what a tea party it is. It is so much fun visiting everyone to see the pretties they were gifted with. Your delightful packages, both the one you gifted and the one you received are filled with gorgeous pretties. How special to be gifted with both a pretty teacup and teapot....wow....they are gorgeous. The watercolour journal is very pretty. You will have to steal a few moments to jot down your thoughts as you pour tea from your pretty new teapot into your pretty new teacup. Enjoy!
Hi Sandy
What a lovely idea. The gifts you sent and received are marvellous.
Hate to think how much the postage costs are lol! But worth it!
Best wishes.
Ang x
WOW and WOW! Loved both your Tea Cup Exchange so many beautiful details and Nora's many thoughtful gifts. Amazing hand painted tapestry!
Beautiful makes from you Sandy,,and the ones you received are too. Sounds a lovely swap to do, Kate x
Your sent and got some beautiful goodies from the swap, what gorgeous things your partner made. Enjoy, and have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie
What a delightful sounding swap, and what gorgeous gifts and creations going in both directions. I love your little pocket full of tags! I'm off to have a look-see what else I've missed in my long absence, but if you're in a tea-time mood, you should definitely take a look at what Cestina has been up to in Small Worlds recently!
Hugs to you,
Alison x
What a fun swap! Both packages are wonderful. Have a lovely week, Sandy!
So glad that you enjoyed your first exchange. I admired the lovely package that you sent Nora on her blog. I'm also loving the beautiful teacup and teapot that Lynn sent you.
What a very unusual exchange Sandy but it sounds like fun. I love what you sent, and also the tea pot that your received. Have a fun week xx
I'm still going through all of the exchange photos and posts. So much fun seeing the variety of gifts! Lynn was my teacup exchange recipient two exchanges ago. Love her creative blog!
That looks like a really cool swap. You could some gorgeous gifts, and sent some too. I'll have to check it out next year because I would really like that swap. Happy almost weekend. Hugs-Erika
Loved your wonderful 'box of tea' that you've decorated up so gorgeously. Lucky you, receiving some wonderful goodies in return, and I especially liked the delightfully colored & stitched coaster (think that is what it must be). Good for you at joining in this fun swap. Hope all is well in your part of the country. TFS & have a great upcoming week
What a wonderful package of goodies both going and coming, Sandy! Enjoy your tea!
What a wonderful gift hun such a wonderful gift everything is so beautiful and devine love hugs cheryl x
Happy Thanksgiving, Sandy!
What a fun swap and I love the package you made. The pocket tags are gorgeous and I love that one with the leaves. This is quite amazing to have 192 participants and it speaks well of the swap, organizers and participants.
Again, it was a lovely package you sent and I'm guessing your recipient was tickled pink.
The package you received was nearly as much fun to view as the one you sent and it must have been a great time receiving and opening it.
Oh my goodness, what wonderful gifts to send and receive. I'm a real tea fan and love teapots. Your present was beautiful and I see you have some English Breakfast tea. I drink that all the time.
I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I hope yo have a great week :D
Swaps are so much fun! LOVEly what you sent, and what you got back!
Thank you for stopping by - hugs to you!
Alison x
What a beautiful present has Lynn gifted you with and I love the gift that you sent out -
just lovely!
Thank you for stopping by my blog Sandy!
hugs ♥
Wow! Beautiful gifts all around! Thanks so much for stopping by my place and leaving nice words!
I'm a bit late getting to the party. The time I was here was far too long ago. You got a beautiful swap gift (GIFTS, actually). I've heard of those swaps, but the ones I knew about you exchanged with your partner. It looks like in this one you send to one person and receive from another. Regardless, you did a lovely job with your send, and you received something lovely in return.
Thanks for visiting me several times. I had intended to get by sooner, but I've been a bit under the weather, which has been really cold, rainy, and as miserable as I have felt.
Hello, Sandy! Thank you for your sweet comments on my blog and for becoming a follower! I am your newest follower! Your exchange looks like so much fun and I enjoyed seeing what you made and what you received! So much awesomeness here from both sides!
Beautiful swaps Sandy, what a fun exchange. I think most of the fun is finding those items to send to others, it's just great to give a gift you know will be loved and enjoyed.
so beautiful packages are lovely gifts...
Please visit: http://from-a-girls-mind.blogspot.com
What a fabulous swap to participate in.....beautiful packages and gifts!
how delightful!
What a Fun swap Sandy!!! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas my friend!!!
Wow Sandy, that must have been one amazing swap! Love, love, love!!
Thank you for all your lovely comments and I hope you will have an wonder Christmas and festive season! xxxxx
Everything you showed is lovely. Your gifts to Nora and the ones you received from Lynn. Like you I do enjoy handmade cards and tags and things.
You visited my blog and commented on the Christmas Market post. If you go down the right hand side you will see a link to lots of German Christmas Market trips we have made.
You asked what Prosseco was. It is a sparkling wine which is very nice (much nicer than Cava) and a lot of the flavoured gins apparently mix very well with it.
Hugs, Neet (Merry Christmas) xx
Hi Sandy, I just popped back to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Gorgeous gifts given and received! Wonderful! xxx
Thank you for your nice visit to my Magpie's Nest today dear Sandy.
What a fun post with so many special gifts exchanged.
Pretty stuff for sure.
Here's to more blogging in 2017 and time to play with art too!
What a cool idea, sandy!
I really enjoyed the photos of the exchanges.
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