I am dedicating this post to Brenda Butler as not too very long ago, she dared me to post my work desk. She knew all along that I am anal retentive and my work desk is rather boring. After viewing other work areas, I knew my area looked a little sterile. Well the good Lord stepped in and gave me ample opportunity to think about changing my way. With a desk in front of my recliner holding a laptop - my faithful walker to my right and my cats to keep me company. I asked myself - "Sandy what turns you on?" And then I thought about
Chris Dark. Chris is one of the most talented artists I have ever know and she has been so gracious to give me some words of wisdom and lead me to some great art techniques. I love her art journal pages and they excite me no end. So, my journey into the art journal world will soon begin. All these words is to say this first picture is the beginning.
These are some new goodies from Faber Castell that I plan to play with in my art journal. I won a couple of Faber Castell starter packages from a challenge on Simon Says Stamps. I love Faber Castell colored pencils and think they make a really good product.
So here is where I color and snoop - you can't see the big ole' computer screen in this. Some of this is a little staged as I wanted to show Brenda that I too have a couple of House Mouse Stamps. And yes, that is a real little baby orchid -- I am getting ready to make some orchid cards.
Now one last thing if you will please "BEAR" with me. I will leave you with this - this is what you do when there is a bear within 10 feet of you glass door in your craft room You open the door and look at the bear and you say
"Brown bear, brown bear what do you see?
I see a brown bear looking at me!
I have really been missing you guys!!!!!!
Love to you all - Sandy
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Bear of a Summer
Well I tell you friends and neighbors - it has been one bear of a summer!
Yep - here he comes and he knows where there is food!!
Well you might think he is doing a pole dance but I tell you he tore down two of my bird feeding poles. Normally, bears come around in the evening when it is dark and we always have the feeders in. But this is a teenager and he does not know the rules of the game. So we eventually took down the feeders to discourage him from thinking there was free grub at the Dehon house.
Well this should have been my warning - after having such a good time at the beach with the grands it all fell apart in a hurry. And I mean fell apart. On the night of June 25 I fell on our deck and broke my left hip. I tell you, it did not really hurt - that is, as long as I did not move. We are now on the mend. I overdid it last week and am paying for it now -- I also managed to come down with bronchitis this weekend. Now there is nothing more pathetic than a slightly older lady, limping around on a cane and coughing so hard she wets her pants. I am sure you senior citizens know what I mean.
I want to thank all of you who have sent me the most gorgeous cards -- I really appreciate it more than you will ever know. I also appreciate all of you who have e-mailed to say you missed me and asked me how I have been doing. Well we are going to get back into the swing of things. So I have posted a card that I made for a challenge group I belong to on Splitcoast Stampers.
Twinkle, twinkle over glued. With my naked eye I could not see the glue shine but that stupid camera does not lie!!! It sure did cost a lot of money to be so stupid.
I am entering this card into the following challenge and then will send it on to the proper people who will send it to a Children's Hospital. I understand that little boys love to smear glue!
Send A Smile 4 Kids - anything goes 4 kids
Well I did chatter a lot today didn't I -----I do appreciate your visit and you do know that all your comments but a big - really big smile on my face!!!!
Yep - here he comes and he knows where there is food!!
Well you might think he is doing a pole dance but I tell you he tore down two of my bird feeding poles. Normally, bears come around in the evening when it is dark and we always have the feeders in. But this is a teenager and he does not know the rules of the game. So we eventually took down the feeders to discourage him from thinking there was free grub at the Dehon house.
Well this should have been my warning - after having such a good time at the beach with the grands it all fell apart in a hurry. And I mean fell apart. On the night of June 25 I fell on our deck and broke my left hip. I tell you, it did not really hurt - that is, as long as I did not move. We are now on the mend. I overdid it last week and am paying for it now -- I also managed to come down with bronchitis this weekend. Now there is nothing more pathetic than a slightly older lady, limping around on a cane and coughing so hard she wets her pants. I am sure you senior citizens know what I mean.
I want to thank all of you who have sent me the most gorgeous cards -- I really appreciate it more than you will ever know. I also appreciate all of you who have e-mailed to say you missed me and asked me how I have been doing. Well we are going to get back into the swing of things. So I have posted a card that I made for a challenge group I belong to on Splitcoast Stampers.
Twinkle, twinkle over glued. With my naked eye I could not see the glue shine but that stupid camera does not lie!!! It sure did cost a lot of money to be so stupid.
I am entering this card into the following challenge and then will send it on to the proper people who will send it to a Children's Hospital. I understand that little boys love to smear glue!
Send A Smile 4 Kids - anything goes 4 kids
Well I did chatter a lot today didn't I -----I do appreciate your visit and you do know that all your comments but a big - really big smile on my face!!!!
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