Tuesday, August 18, 2015

It's Been So Long

I can't believe I have not posted since January of 2015!  Since then I have moved from the mountains of North Carolina to an island in the Atlantic  known as Amelia Island on the northeastern coast of Florida.  I love it here!

We have also had an adventure in Peru with our grandson Joe, Jr.

The beauty of Machu Picchu!

My husband, me and our grandson Joe.

I loved the children in the Andes - talk about beautiful.

I made a card -- I even surprised myself!!

In the South, we have a tradition which I am sure they follow all over the world.  Any time we can help a friend we usually take food.  I made this for my friend Alie.
Alie is having surgery in September.  I don't think I am telling tales out of school as she has posted it on her blog.   Such a talented lady and so very nice.  Check out her blog!

One more post for today!  A mixed media make that I will paste in my art journal.  I call it 'What Lies Beneath".

What fun - I have experimented with Lindy's Stamp Gang Star Burst sprays, Brushos, Micro Beads Pollen, Cosmic Shimmer Texture Paste Midnight and Designs by Ryn Rising Bubbles.  I really had fun and want to do more!!!!!!

I know this has been a little picture heavy and I sure hope you haven't forgotten me!
Lots of well wishes for all of you out there in Blogland!
Sandy xx


sam21ski said...

Great to have a catch up and hear your news. The photo of you, your hubby and grandson is lovely.

Glad you found time for a couple of makes too - gorgeous xx

Marilyn said...

Hey, this is from your Secret Pal. I am so glad to see you back posting and how exciting to have been to Peru. I'd love to hear more about your island too.
Love the pie and preserves card and what a nice thought for your friend. Love the dotty paper... I am a sucker for polka dots and especially like dots on white paper.
Your mixed media is fabulous. I love those bubbles and my gosh, don't they look real! I've been eyeing those Designs by Ryn bubbles and as soon as I'm done commenting, I'm off to buy those little babies.
Again, so glad you are back and can't wait to see what else you have in store for us.

Redanne said...

Wow, you are really here!! Lovely to see you back blogging lovely lady and what a great newsy post too. I really love your foody card and your mixed media piece is absolutely stunning, love, love,love those bubbles! I cannot quite get the hang of Brushos but I keep trying.... lol.

I hope you will tell us more about your trip to Peru, the photos are wonderful. It sounds idyllic living on an island too, so pleased that you love it there too. Now you have started blogging again, I hope we see more of you! Big hugs, Anne xxx

Valerie-Jael said...

Great o see you posting again Sweetie, I have missed you! Wonderful photos from your holiday, Peru is really beautiful, I visited there with my husband back in 1988, long time ago! Love your makes, especially the last one, such wonderful colours! Did you get my mails? Hugs, Valerie

cathylynn said...

Welcome Back Sandy!! It is so good to see you posting again. Gee not one but two gorgeous projects!! Love them both. Great pictures too of you and your family. I always enjoy seeing pictures of your adventures. Hopefully we'll see more from you soon!! Enjoy your island sweetie!! Hey do you have a grass skirt???
Sending love with hugs to you!

cuilliesocks said...

Awww sooo lovely to see you back here Sandy, your fabulous creations have been missed.
What wonderful photos of you and your hubby and grandson and to have been able to visit Peru is fantastic, a country Alistair and I have always wanted to go to. On the bucket list. A wonderful experience I'm sure.

Lovely cards, love the sweet foodie card and your second card is fabulous, lots of colour and texture, just brilliant.
Heep well and crafting hugs Kate x

Christina C. said...

Welcome back, my friend....missed you!!!!!!!!!!! You haven't lost your touch at all...beautiful work! How wonderful that you had such a fabulous trip to Peru with your grandson and hubby, of course.
Beautiful pictures, Sandy! Thanks for sharing.

Sarn said...

Wahoo . . . my Little Sweet as Sugar friend is BACK!

Lovely to see your newsy post and fabulous photo's.

The cake card looks delicious and I shall hop over to your friend's blog shortly.

WOW though . . . just LOOK at your beautiful piece of mixed media art. Way to go Sandy. It is AWESOME.

Big hugs,
Sarn xxx

Caroline said...

WOW Sandy so pleased to see you back :)
Looks like youve had a wonderful trip xx

Kelly said...

I am thrilled you are back on the blogs, look at the card and mixed media! You haven't lost anything as they both look fabulous. I love the textures of your journal and of course you have no fear of experimenting with all the artsy stuff and it looks great. You are so blessed to have visited such a beautiful place and when your grandson goes to school he will have exciting things to share with his friends. You and Art gave him a wonderful gift taking him there.
Thank you for sharing with us and looking forward to more artsy creations from you!
Hugs and cheers, Kelly

Neesie said...

Well reading the comments above Sandy, you can safely say you've been missed and certainly not forgotten.
Beautiful photos and I for one would love to see more of your Peru trip and hearing all about your island life. It's great to see you too in the photos.
Gorgeous card and your mixed media art is stunning. Those bubbles are incredible!
Please don't stay away again... come back soon.
We're all waiting...

Mrs.B said...

We certainly haven't forgotten you Sandy. Lovely to see you back posting again, and what a fabulou post so full of your news!
What an exciting time you must have had, moving house to an island and then a wonderful holiday to Peru with your grandson, the pictures look stunning, I'm sure you must have more.
Love the card you've made for Alie, I'm sure she will appreciate it.
LOVE your mixed media piece, so full of depth and colour and the bubbles look amazing.
Thank you for all the lovely comments you've left over the months, I did appreciate them.
Hugs, Avril xx

Danielle Champagne said...

How could we forget Sandy? I know I could not, ever. Love you for sharing those gorgeous pictures, love your cards, the last one won my heart. I love those drops of water by Ryn, so so pretty! love the colors, and lucky you, you experimented with Brushos! Sending love and hugs. xox

Paula said...

WELCOME BACK, I've missed you!!! What a pleasant surprise. I love the pics of you and your family, looks like Peru is gorgeous. Glad to hear you enjoyed yourself. And very happy to see you creating again...love the card and the mixed medias. You definitely haven't lost your touch. Oh and congrats on a successful move, we miss you up here in the Carolinas!!!

Pam Sparks said...

WOW Sandy - a move and a fabulous trip! A busy year for you and your family! Glad you're back and didn't forget us! lol So fun to see where you've been and see how Joe has grown since you started blogging! Love your card for Alie and wow on your journal page! Fabulous art Sandy! Take care and glad you're back!

Annie said...

Forget about you?!! No way! I've been missing your art and inspiration. Quite happy to see you back amongst the bloggers. Wonderful photos and artwork. It's always such a good feeling to get back to art after being away from it for a time.

Stamps and Paper said...

Lovely to see you post Sandy and welcome back.....thank you for sharing your photos with us...you seem to be very settled in your new home and loving it....
just love your card and your mixedmedia artwork is stunning...
Hope to see you posting again very soon.

Anne x

~*~Patty S said...

So much to enjoy in your post dear Sandy!
What a fabulous and memorable vacation for you and your grandson = WOWEE! (may I also say I could look at travel photos all day long...arm chair traveling is my next favorite thing to actually getting to travel myself).
When we think about retiring it is always difficult to pick between mountains or beach...they both have their charms as you certainly must know.
Your mixed media piece is wonderful and really draws me in (the bubbles look "real").
Great idea to add it to your art journal.
Sweet card you made for your friend too.
I keep saying I want to get back into making cards.
Thank you for the inspiration.
Now I'm off to visit your friend's blog.
It is fun to think of you in your island home.

Ruth Ann Hunter said...

Oh Sandy, Sandy, Sandy how good it is to see a post from you!!! I have missed them. Love your pictures of Peru but would also love to see pictures of where you live now. Now for your cards.....you sure haven't lost your touch they are both GREAT. I love the card you made for your friend and the card with the bubbles is so cute. Now I'm planning on seeing more of your posts. hugs, Ruth Ann

coldwaters2 said...

OMG Sandy what an amazing return to blogland, WOW, those pictures of your time in Peru look fantastic I wish I could have joined you, lol, the card and the page for your journal are superb you still have your magic, it is really, really lovely to have you back with us again.
lorraine x

Patricia St Martin said...

Sandy, I'm so glad you are just fine and enjoying life. I so glad you love your change and your new adventures you look so happy. Love the pictures. I'm so glad you still have time to make a card or two, what a nice idea to being a card to a friend when you make them some food. Wonderful layout and the perfect images. For you Art Journal love the page you are going to add, what was the mixed media you used to make the water look so real? Great job!
Hugs, Pat♥

Netty said...

Wowee Sandy what adventures you are having. The island sounds great, are you still keeping animals? Love the makes and the photos. So pleased you are all OK. Wish you were on Facebook because contact is so much easier.
Sending hugs and love Nettie xxxx

Anonymous said...

wow, sounds like the trip was amazing!! with all the traveling and moving, no wonder you wouldn't have time to create and blog, yet you took the time to visit and comment, which is much appreciated! love your food card with the sugary sparkle and your mixed media creation is fabulous! those bubbles are so realistic!!

Anne Temple said...

Your card is so sweet and I know your friend will love it and your journal page looks fabulous. Great to see you back. Love seeing your vacation pictures.

stampingwithpeggie.blogspot.com said...

Looks like you have been having lots of adventures! The card is so cute and I love the art journal page.

Caty said...

So gorgeous artwork Sandy !!! I love your card and your art journal page... Fabulous colours !! like very much these seeds!! Thank you for stopping by my blog and being one more of my dear followers. Beautiful photographs !! I wish you a very nice day. big hugs, Caty.

Deb said...

Wonderful card and love your mixed media page for your journal Sandy, those bubbles are fabulous! How wonderful to see Machu Picchu, it is on my bucket list, and to see it with your grandson makes it that much more special. Thanks so much for visiting my blog, so nice to make your acquaintance! Deb xo

Words and Pictures said...

So lovely to see you posting again! Like so many here, I have Machu Picchu on my bucket list - what an amazing adventure of a trip - thank you for sharing your photos. And so glad to hear you are safely settling in and enjoying island life.

It's a sweet card, but I'm just blown away by your mixed media page - the colours are fabulous, and those bubbles are stunning. I see you're inspired by Alie too!!
Alison xx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Sandy, what a fantastic experience. Look forward to seeing more of you now you're back. Happy crafting, Angela x

MaryH said...

So lovely to see you back in Blogland, and read about your adventures, and share in the pictures. Lucky you to have visited Michu Pichu...I love seeing tv programs about this fascinating place. Love your card, and yes Southerners are warm hearted and generous to friends & neighbors in need. I love some of our customs like this. I'm amazed at your stunning technique piece, and can just guess the fun you had with the Lindy's sprays, the brusho (some of my favs!) and of course the wonderful Ryn Bubbles. (which I must pull & use, so thanks for the reminder). Your return to blogging was done with stellar results, and now we'll be looking for more from you! Glad you got the craft room all sorted too. Hugs. & TFS

Heather Jacob said...

splendid pics , love your cards too x

Halle said...

From the looks of it you had a wonderful trip! Great card!!
Thanks for stopping by my blog as well!

sarascloset said...

How sweet of you to make a card for your friend! I am sure this card will lift her spirits, and better than real food, it will last her throughout her recovery and beyond! Beautiful mixed media canvas! What a talented lady you are!

Congrats on your move, although that's one less talented person we have in NC! I'm sure you will be greatly inspired by your new digs! And thank you for sharing a little snippet of your trip to Peru! It may just be the only way I'll get to see it! Lucky you to be able to share this with your grandson!

Welcome back, and thank you SO much for your lovely comment on my spotlight post at Craft Stamper TIMI! It means the world to me! Hugs!

pam said...

Hi Sandy, great that I can leave you comments at last!
Amazing holiday photos ..
Gorgeous card designs, have to try mixed media one of these days..

Honoured that you would like to use a card design Sandy! please feel free to do so..(Lilac & White Christmas) or any design.
Hugs Pam x

Sandra said...

Hi Sandy! So good to see a post and see that you've created a beautiful card! Wow a move like that must be a very big job! I also moved last december. But I'm still in the same city. Can't imagine how big of a job it is to move across country. Hope to see more of your crafting soon!
Can you mail me your new address (my email is still the same) then I'll sent you mine too :).


Anne said...

Lovely to see you back blogging Sandy - how do you find time to craft in between all your adventures? Hope you can post some pics of your new island home xx

Paper Creations by Shirley said...

Hi Sandy, great post :) No worries about often you post right? It shouldn't be a 'must do' but when you have time or energy. Your cards and mixed media are beautiful. I am also friends with Alie and think about her surgery. Let's all send positive vibes to her. Your new home sounds like heaven and your trip amazing! Take care, Shirleyxx

Lisa Minckler said...

Where's the picture of corn and beans????? LOLOL!! I'm happy to have the inside scoop on that photo,but it's so great to see your favorite photo on this post. What a beautiful place to make wonderful memories. Your creations are just AMAZING and it's so nice to see your heart at play again with inks and paints. :)
Biggest of hugs to you,

Myrna said...

Sandy, you've had a year of life-changing events and you seem to have taken it all in stride. What wonderful memories your grandson Joe will have of traveling with grandma and grandpa! There is nothing more special than a handmade card for a friend in a stressful time. She'll love it! Love your M/M journal piece of art. Looking forward to seeing more from you again. Welcome back!

yyam said...

Love your mixed media piece and that sweet card.:)

MRS DUCK said...

Hi Sandy
As the song goes "too good to be forgotten, now what more can I say"
Great to have you back from your exotic travels with fantastic photos and creations. Ryns stamps are terrific.
Will have to consult my map as to the location of your island retreat. What's happened to the goat lol?
Best wishes.
Ang x

May said...

Hi Sandy,
Love this post to what you have been getting up too...moving home is a mega task.. Florida is a Beautiful place was this to be nearer the Grandchildren... did the goats go too?....and the naughty bear lol....
Your holiday snaps are fabulous My husband has always wanted to visit Peru.. maybe when I retire we will visit...Love the yummy card it's making me hungry...I will pop over to Alie's blog and have a nose around...Love your mixed media page great theme...
Have a happy week ahead x x x
Hugs May x x x

Bonnie said...

Well you've had an eventful year! So good to see you've blogged again and how and what you're up to. What a wonderful trip to share with your grandson! And I'm sure the gift of food is as appreciated in card form as in real food. It's the warm thoughts that are most important! Your art piece is gorgeous! Can't wait to see more of that! Best wishes in your new home. Florida's gain and NC's loss!

Mary Elizabeth said...

Hi Sandy! I just saw that you moved to Florida. I've always wanted to visit Amelia Island. I can imagine that you do love it there. Fantastic art journaling!! Love you colors. I can only imagine that you are inspired by your new surroundings. Thanks for dropping by my blog! -- Mary Elizabeth

KandA said...

Hi Sandy, seems like you've had a busy year so far and I'm glad you like your new home. Super photos and fabulous creations. I love your 'what lies beneath'and those Designs by Rynn bubbles are so lifelike xx

Pawsitively Creative said...

My last comment disappeared on me. Oops. As I was saying, your card is stupendious and your mixed media is awesome sauce! It looks like you have had a lovely journey to your new digs. I sure do agree with you about is Southerners and giving food. Makes the heart full. So happy to see you post on your blog. Awesome sauce! Have an amazing day dearie. Hugz ~Niki

Craftychris said...

Lovely card! Your friend will love it, I hope her op goes well. Your mixed media piece is awesome! I love it - so much depth, colour and texture. Fabulous photos too! Good to see you back! xxx

Craftychris said...

Thank you for you lovely comments! Yes we do still have red postboxes here in the UK - I love them! xxx

Sue from Oregon said...

Hey Sandy girl...seems you have been oh so busy...no wonder your have not had any time to craft. You seem to have a magic touch with your mixed media creations...it is so much harder than it looks! And Peru...how did you not mention that before...??? Very cool indeed! ♥ Sue Kment

scrappymo! said...

So glad to see you back.
Your move sounds exciting and adventure filled. Quite a changefor you. Hope we will see photos of the new place and new adventures.
In the meantime I enjoyed the Peru photos and of course your cards.

The last one has me drooling. Such beautiful colours!

Barbara Sproatmeyer (LM2) said...

What a fun place to visit!

The fairy stamp can be found here in digital form. I don't know where the rubber stamp forms are available but this should get you started.


Good luck! :D

Rosmarie said...

Great photos from Machu Picchu and fantastic creations!! - The mixed media one is awesome!!
Glad to have some new from you Sandy!
Hugs, Rosi

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scrappymo! said...

Merry Christmas, Sandy!
Thanks for visiting my blog and a special thanks for your kind words!