Sunday, January 25, 2015



Ruth Ann Hunter said...

Nothing came acrosss so I don't know what you posted. hugs, Ruth Ann

Sarn said...

Hi Sandy . . . your picture has not turned up.

Maybe this one has automatically posted in error!??? xxx

Words and Pictures said...

?? xx

Words and Pictures said...

Just read over at Alie's that you're moving and wanted to wish you lots of love and luck. Must be hard to leave your beautiful homestead, I would think.
Alison xx

Pam Sparks said...

moving? Hi Sandy, I just tried to email you about a stamp store in your area and it came back as undeliverable!

scrappymo! said...

Hi Sandy...hope all is well with you.

How did your move go? It is so much work, I know.

We are finally settled. We got rid of a lot of items about 70 boxes of stuff in the the end...It all went to the local thrift shop with our girls taking the odd thing or two first.

Just had the painters in this week and had 2 stories of thee house painted. Had the ceilings done too and that alone made such a difference!
Rehung the pictures on these floors yesterday, and taking a bit of a breather before I finish off unpacking the last 3 boxes of pictures for the bottom floor of the house...the one that did not get painted... Sometimes it seems never ending...but we are nearly done now!

Good luck with yours...

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Blaine F said...

Hii nice reading your post